White Space (El Blanco's Archive):Chaos Theory:Intertribal

<-- .. .. .. . .. ooo oo oo o oo 0 00 000 =[ Intertribal ]= 000 00 0 oo o oo oo ooo .. . .. .. .. a [ Music Disk ] by El Blanco Presented by Chaos Theory - - ------- -- - - == - -- = = =====[ ]== = = =====- - = - - ====------- --- After several batch releases, Chaos Theory's organizer extraordinare Stein, requested that I think about maybe holding off a bit and think about releasing a music disk. Little did he know that I was finding myself in a bit of a rut at the time anyway. Yet the idea of releasing a disk did appeal, nothing too fancy (especially after the mega-MEGA-music disk "Return to Stage 9" that Stein had just finished up). I thought a reasonable number might be 6 or 7 songs and as fate would have it I was able to crank out 7 songs. I originally went through my archive of partially completed songs and threw them all into a directory hoping to finish and clean them up for the disk. Out of about 15 candidate songs, only "Idle Afternoon" and "Song & Dance" made the cut. The other 5 songs are wholly created for this disk, all 7 are unreleased tracks. Stein had made a couple special requests for songs as well. Having liked two previous tracks of mine ("Maila Ae" and "Doodlin'"), he requested two more in a similar vein. The result is "Flight" and "Tea Cup". Though I constructed the songs using a similar set of instruments the feel is quite different. "Flight" is not nearly the long epic that "Mail Ae" is, though I tried to infuse it with a similar "story telling" sensibility. "Tea Cup" is more reflective than "Doodlin'". This was largely unintentional, but I think it is probably a result of a greater level of comfort with my tracking ability since nearly two years has passed between "Tea Cup" and "Doodlin'". "Emery" and "Turning Circles" are probably the most indicative of the majority of the music I try to make (most of it resides on my hard drive in an unfinished mutated form of course). "Emery" was a pure jam song until I decided to lengthen it with a slow rhythm bridge bit. "Turning Circles" is just a simple chordal based techno bit that I wrote after listening to an old Skaven tune. I used some ideas I gained long ago from Triton's "Crystal Dream" soundtrack near the end. "Spirit Down" is yet another attempt by myself to do Goa. I feel it was more or less successful (though much too slow to be "proper goa"). I usually listen to alot of Goa samplers etc. and it has become one of my personal favorite genres. This is probably my 3rd or 4th serious attempt at it as it is suprisingly difficult to make a decent goa song. Make of this what you will, love it, hate it, learn from it, snicker at it. I always feel that a person should make music for their own edification. But I hope that the music contained herein will inspire someone, somewhere to create. - - ------- -- - - == - -- = = =====[ ]== = = =====- - = - - ====------- --- Contact me with coments, suggestions, and or offers of huge gobs of money for little or no work J Songs 1) Emery 2) Flight 3) Idle Afternoon 4) Song & Dance 5) Spirit Down 6) Tea Cup 7) Turning Circles Unfinished/Rejected/Prototypes/Etc.

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All works, stuff etc (c) Mark Sanders 1992-2006 elblanco at untergrund dot net